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  • Writer's pictureFran Lease

Are you planning to start your own restaurant and night club?

Becoming a #lounge or #nightclub owner is a dream for entrepreneurs who enjoy the combination of nightlife, #business and hospitality. Aside from usual #business startup steps, to be successful in opening a lounge requires other specific activities for an exciting grand opening. Below are a few things to consider when opening your louge. #startyourownbar #blackout #franlease

Business Location Selection

Select a location based on the type of business and the clientele you want to attract. Check your jurisdiction's zoning regulations to determine if the area allows lounges, nightclubs or establishments that serve alcoholic beverages. Opening a lounge in an established entertainment district might draw clientele that migrate from nightclubs to lounges; lounges near business districts could appeal to after-work clientele from nearby workplaces or #business travelers.

Proper Licensing and Permits

Obtain appropriate business and occupational licenses from state, county or municipal government agencies. Always check the time frame for securing a liquor license – some lounge and nightclub operators have to delay their grand opening due to not having a liquor license. There could be local politics that affect whether your local government will expedite the processing of your application.

Planning for Startup Costs

Base your projections and expenditures on up-to-date research. #Startup costs include fees to establish the #business structure and organization; fees for an attorney, accountant or business adviser; money for a lease and security deposit; and, starting inventory costs and grand opening expenses.

Theme Your Lounge

Generate a theme for your #lounge. Use resources and talent from the food and beverage industry to design cocktail menus, drink specials, wine collections and nonalcoholic drinks. Based on your kitchen facilities, space and city regulations regarding food service, determine whether you'll provide hors d'oeuvres, small plates or appetizers.

Determine whether to offer live entertainment and work with a booking agent or contact performers on your own to conduct auditions. Feature new acts whenever possible to support emerging talent. Consider having karaoke and open mic as a way to entertain guests free of charge during the weeknights and save the expense of professional entertainment for weekend nights.

Marketing Your Business

Create fanfare about your grand opening through radio, television and print advertising. Construct your lounge's website and blog, with a calendar of events for musical features and special events at your lounge. Carve out time in your schedule for maintaining a blog or contract a professional blogger to maintain it with regular entries.

Furthermore, focus on using social media, as the Pew Research Center says that 65% of adults now use social media. This is an easy, cheap and effective way to promote yourself. However, try focusing on just one or two social media platforms that you like by putting up fun and interactive content.

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